Sticker in context

Sticker in context

Bus stop poster design

Bus stop poster design

Bus stop poster in context

Bus stop poster in context

Billboard design

Billboard design

Billboard in context

Billboard in context

Buttons that were made and placed on a backpack

Buttons that were made and placed on a backpack

Button icon designs based off the original water bottle icon

Button icon designs based off the original water bottle icon

Campaign slogan shown on an eco-friendly canvas bag

Campaign slogan shown on an eco-friendly canvas bag

Reusable water bottle with icon

Reusable water bottle with icon

All Drains lead to the ocean

Eco Design | school Project

Plastic water bottles can contribute greatly to world pollution when they are not recycled properly. It is believed that up to 80% of the plastic water bottles manufactured each year end up in the ocean, so it
is important to bring attention to this topic in hopes
of prevention.

My objective was to create an icon that depicted plastic bottles polluting our oceans. I chose to show a water bottle leaking into a drain to imply the resulting pollution. An abstract symbol based on this icon was then created to place on buttons. The campaign speaks through a poster and a billboard. As additional elements, the
icon and slogan are placed on a reusable water bottle and canvas bag.